2013년 9월 5일 목요일

Immigration Office Nightmare

So Shiloh and I went to the Seoul Immigration Office's Sejongno Branch today. We got there by 8:30 (30 minutes earlier than the office opens), but there were people already there since 6AM. We were #120 and 121 on the list. I waited for FIVE AND A HALF HOURS just to submit my paperwork for my "Alien" (that's really not a nice term for foreigners) Registration card. It was absolutely ridiculous. I can't even pick up the card until the 23rd! Government bureaucracy at its finest...

Oh, and FYI. For the D2 student visa alien registration card, you need:

  • application form
  • 2 passport photos
  • copy of your passport AND visa
  • school certificate of enrollment 
  • passport 

Here's a picture of the full waiting room, which remained this full for the entire duration of my five and a half hour stay:

What a nightmare. In the meantime, I got quite a bit of reading done. Then, Shiloh and I went to explore. The rate was about 20 people/hour at the office, so we went and had some fun:

Shiloh's 빙수/bingsoo...So much 빙수/bingsoo

We happened to find this traditional bell:

Zoom in for a description of the bell.

These guys got to ring the bell and even got a certificate.

Loved their outfits. Real traditional!

This guy did not seem to enjoy his job.

They were having some fun with it.

Shiloh and I in full on tourist mode.

They kicked us out...

Delicious chicken galbi fried rice.

Huge, but funny looking building. 

We went to Daiso to get some random things and went back to the immigration office to turn our documents in at 1.

Although everything turned out all right, I'm still pretty frustrated with how long they took. Apparently, the Sejongno Branch is the smaller office, so I don't even want to know how long the wait was at the main office, which I heard is far away. You can only go to the Sejongno Branch if you live in certain districts.

Lesson from today: My Advanced Readings in Korean professor is right. She described the odd nature of Koreans as both fast/efficient AND slow/inefficient. Koreans are so good with technology/math/school/etc., but they couldn't open more than 2 desks for the hundreds of students waiting to get their registration cards... It doesn't make any sense. And why does Korea University require our registration card in order to get our student ID? Do they not realize that foreigners can't get phones (I'm lucky I have family here), bank cards, or just about anything without  our registration card, which we can't even apply for until school starts? Do they not realize that it takes 2+ weeks just to get the registration card? We can't join the gym, go to the library, use the study rooms, or do anything without a student ID. Why can't they make our lives easier instead of more difficult? They really should take better care of us foreign students when they benefit (point system) from having us. Being a foreigner in Seoul is tough when it comes to paperwork.

Rant complete.

댓글 3개:

  1. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  2. So that bell is the one that a bunch of famous people ring at new year's eve; you'll see in a few months. And the building is the Jongno Tower (aka Samsung Tower) where some of the Samsung family companies are located. On the top floor, there's a fancy restaurant called the "top cloud" and I highly recommend you check that place out IF you have some (or...a lot of) extra budget.

  3. Thank you for letting me know! Lol I'll see how my budget is by that time.
