2013년 9월 21일 토요일

추석/Chuseok + 타사의 정원/Tasha's Garden + 홍대/Hongik University

Hope everyone had a wonderful 추석/Chuseok/Korean Thanksgiving holiday! Mine was pretty uneventful, but I met my cousin's sons. Apparently, they're my cousins once removed? They're SOSOSOSO cute:



Here's Hyunsoo/현수 being adorable and playing by himself. He did this for like 30 minutes straight: 

So cute.

Here are some of my aunt's watercolor paintings. My family is so talented! 

And here is a cousin who isn't directly related to me, but he's quite talented: 

The day after 추석/Chuseok, I met up with my uncle and aunts at this quirky restaurant called 타사의 정원/Tasha's Garden. It had fusion food with so many courses. So good: 

Beautiful with so many flowers.

Café area.

The traditional Korean part of the meal.


Complimentary coffee. 

I then hung out with my friend in 홍대/Hongik University again, but this time, I got to experience the street musicians! Here is my absolute favorite: 

First time eating 호떡/hodduk/mini pastry with sweet filling in Korea. Noms. 

Saw these things and thought they were hilarious: 

Back to real life on Monday! I'm picking up my alien registration card, which is exciting! I hope they don't take ridiculously long for the pick up too...

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